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Decentraland envisions a truly decentralized Ethereum-based utopia. Find out how blockchain-based gaming and non-fungible tokens are changing online gaming.
The Sandbox is an Ethereum-based metaverse and gaming ecosystem where you can create, share, and monetize assets and games.
Somnium Space is a virtual reality application built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows you to create, experience, and trade digital worlds and NFT assets.
Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based gaming metaverse centered around digital collectible pets called Axies and a game in which they battle each other.
Illuvium is a blockchain game with a play-to-earn structure wherein users can earn in-game rewards in ILV tokens by engaging in competitions and quests.
SLP tokens facilitate the breeding of Axie NFTs in the popular gaming metaverse Axie Infinity.
A crypto metaverse is an immersive virtual world that incorporates blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
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