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6 results for "Uma"

EOSIO RPC Application Programming Interface (API)

The EOSIO RPC application programming interface (API) is a type of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API used to connect to the EOSIO blockchain. A RPC occurs when a computer utilizes a program that makes a procedure execute by utilizing a distinct address space on another shared network or computer. This is done by coding and the use of a local procedure call without the developer giving details for the remote interaction via location transparency.

EOSIO Virtual Machine (EOSIO VM)

The EOSIO Virtual Machine (EOSIO VM) is a high-performance blockchain WebAssembly (WASM) interpreter used by the EOSIO blockchain. It is an engine that uses three different interpreters to make it possible to compile, debug, and optimize smart contracts. Its main purpose is to improve the functionality and performance of smart contracts.

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