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Why I choose Gemini?
Gemini is one of my go to exchanges because they offer a variety of crypto products, are easy to use, and have top level security. I have been using the platform for many years.
Negociação profissional de criptomoedas, simplificada
| @AnthonyEdward
Tony Edward is an author, the visionary founder of the Thinking Crypto Podcast, and a passionate crypto/blockchain enthusiast. With a keen interest in the crypto space since 2016, Tony has established himself as a knowledgeable and influential figure. His podcast features insightful interviews with politicians, founders, CEOs, and other prominent personalities, offering listeners a deep dive into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Revolutionize your crypto trading experience
Unlock the full potential of your trading expertise with Gemini's specialized products tailored for professional crypto traders. Crypto is not just a technology; it is a movement, one that offers the possibility of greater choice, independence, and opportunity for everyone.
We’re here for you.
Nossa equipe está disponível 24 horas para garantir que sua jornada nas criptomoedas seja tranquila e amparada pelo suporte que você merece.
Your crypto, your control.
Como exchange e custodiante de reserva total, a Gemini garante que os fundos de todos clientes sejam retidos em 1:1 e estejam disponíveis para saque a qualquer momento. As moedas fiduciárias e digitais dos clientes são mantidas em contas segregadas, separadas das nossas contas bancárias comerciais, operacionais e de reserva.
Central de confiança
Trade like a Pro
A Gemini coloca em suas mãos uma plataforma de negociação de criptomoedas de alto desempenho que oferece uma experiência de nível profissional.