Gemini Mobile

Advanced trading mode

A sophisticated trading experience for mobile users.

Download Gemini App

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Trading tools

Our FIX / REST APIs and WebSocket feeds offer direct access to order placement and real time market data.


Pair Discovery

Enabling Gemini's sophisticated traders to find the pairs they want to trade with ease.


Trading Interface

Seamless transition between Basic and Advanced trading modes.

Easy-to-use tools for new and advanced traders


Pair based trading across currencies

Find the pairs you want to trade. Customers can now view trading options on over 300 trading pairs, depending on your location.


Buy, sell, store

Track asset prices, build your crypto portfolio, and execute your trading strategy with easy-to-use tools.


Order type options

View all of your trading options, including limit orders, maker-or-cancel, immediate-or-cancel, fill-or-kill. Instant and recurring orders are also available.


Advanced trading tools at your fingertips

Trading tools include candlestick charting, order book, depth book and open orders details on past trading activity


Never miss a market movement

Create price alerts so that you can stay on top of the market and be alerted when the right moment strikes. Never miss a buying opportunity!


Account snapshot

The Gemini Mobile Homepage provides a snapshot of your account and includes watchlists, a new top movers section, and educational content.


Fast, secure sign-up

The Gemini Mobile app makes it simple to harness the future of money. Create a free account and make your first buy in as little as 3 minutes.

*Il tempo totale impiegato può variare a seconda di fattori individuali, come le informazioni a tua disposizione al momento della compilazione della domanda, e non include il tempo necessario per l'approvazione

Icona Gemini per istituzioni

The trusted crypto-native finance platform

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