
Gemini eOTC: 
A seamless trading experience built for institutions

Trading crypto at scale can be complicated and costly. That’s why Gemini developed eOTC, a fully automated and secure OTC trading platform designed to provide immediate trade execution with minimal transaction costs.

About the whitepaper

Gemini eOTC is a fully automated and secure OTC trading platform designed for institutions. In this whitepaper, we discuss challenges facing institutional crypto traders today, key features that address these challenges and use cases for various client segments.

eOTC Key Features Overview

eOTC Benefits Explored

Price Spread Comparison

Example use cases for Gemini eOTC

Why institutions choose Gemini

Access to crypto-native solutions for Professional Traders, Institutional Investors, Businesses, Private Wealth, Fintechs and Banks.

Comprehensive products and services

Gemini è una piattaforma di negoziazione di criptovalute ad alte prestazioni che offre un'esperienza di livello professionale.


Secure, regulated, licensed

Gemini è un exchange e custode a riserva totale che garantisce che tutti i fondi dei clienti siano detenuti con un rapporto di 1:1 e disponibili per il prelievo in qualsiasi momento. Il denaro fiat dei clienti e le valute digitali sono conservati in conti segregati, distinti dai nostri conti bancari aziendali, operativi e di riserva.

Centro di protezione

Fast application and onboarding

Gemini è una piattaforma di negoziazione di criptovalute ad alte prestazioni che offre un'esperienza di livello professionale.


Want to learn more about our crypto solutions for institutions?

*The total time spent may vary, depending on individual factors such as information available to you at the moment of completing the application, and does not include the time it may take for approval