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Las operaciones profesionales con criptomonedas ahora son más sencillas
| @unchained_pod
Unchained is hosted by Laura Shin, formerly a senior editor at Forbes, she was the first mainstream journalist to cover crypto full-time, and her podcasts and videos have had 25 million downloads and views. Shin has spoken about cryptocurrency at places such as TEDx San Francisco, the International Monetary Fund, Singularity University and the Oslo Freedom Forum, and the Senate Blockchain Caucus.
She graduated Phi Beta Kappa with Honors from Stanford University and has a master of arts from Columbia University’s School of Journalism. She lives in New York City.
Revolutionize your crypto trading experience
Revolutionize your crypto trading experience
Unlock the full potential of your trading expertise with Gemini's specialized products tailored for professional crypto traders. Crypto is not just a technology; it is a movement, one that offers the possibility of greater choice, independence, and opportunity for everyone.
We’re here for you.
Nuestro equipo especializado está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para garantizar que tu viaje por el mundo de las criptomonedas no solo sea perfecto, sino que esté respaldado por la asistencia que te mereces.
Your crypto, your control.
Gemini es una plataforma de intercambio y custodio de reserva completa, lo que garantiza que todos los fondos de los clientes se mantengan 1:1 y puedan retirarse en cualquier momento. El dinero fiat y las monedas digitales de los clientes se mantienen en cuentas segregadas, distintas de nuestras cuentas bancarias comerciales, operativas y de reserva.
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Trade like a Pro
Gemini te brinda una plataforma de alto rendimiento para operar con criptomonedas que ofrece experiencia profesional.