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DEC 22, 2020

Gemini Now Supports the Singapore Dollar (SGD)

12-2020 SingaporeDollar

We now support the Singapore dollar (SGD)! You can now buy crypto with SGD using a debit card and deposit SGD into your Gemini account using FAST transfers. SGD trading is available on both our mobile app and website.

Our support of SGD is an important step toward making crypto accessible across the globe and providing you with more trading options. BTC/SGD and ETH/SGD trading pairs are also available on our ActiveTrader™ interface and API! We're proud to be the first North American exchange to launch SGD books and look forward to expanding our service.

Singapore is a financial epicenter in the heart of Asia and is a fast-growing market for cryptocurrency. Supporting SGD is another exciting milestone on our mission — to empower the individual through crypto.

Onward and Upward!

Team Gemini

Updated: Jan. 27, 2021

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