KP3R is only available to store

This asset is currently unavailable to trade on Gemini. You can store KP3R and transfer it with a compatible external wallet.

 KP3R logo




-$70.34 (-78.57%)

Past year

  • Volume (24H)


  • Circulating Supply


  • Market Cap


About Keep3rV1 (KP3R)

Keep3rV1 or Keep3r Network is a registry designed to match organizations and other entities with technical professionals, known as Keepers, who can perform routine tasks such as collecting yield farming harvests. More specifically, a Keeper refers to an external person, bot, and/or team that executes an usually autonomous task, which is also known as a “job” in this context. A job can be as simplistic as calling a transaction or as complex as requiring extensive off-chain logic. The scope of the Keep3r Network is not to manage these jobs itself but to provide a matchmaking service. Each individual Keeper sets up their devops and infrastructure and creates their own rules based on what they want to accomplish.

To become a Keeper and receive KP3R rewards from completing jobs, a Keeper needs to "bond" with a job. If a bonded Keeper is selected for a job, they will receive a reward once the job has been successfully completed.

rewards card

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Keep3rV1 links and resources

Keep3rV1 website


Keep3rV1 technical documentation


Frequently asked questions

Keep3rV1 Token

Accordion Arrow

KP3R is an ERC-20 utility token compliant with the Ethereum network with payment and governance use cases.

Learn more on cryptopedia

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Recent Keep3rV1 (KP3R) Price Data

The price of Keep3rV1 has increased by 8.79% in the past 24 hours. The current price is $19.18 per Keep3rV1. The current circulating supply is 519.2K KP3R.

Last updated 2025/03/02 00:00 (UTC)

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